onsdag 26. mai 2010

19 about grandpa'

19 feelings in the way,
18 feet away from love,
17 steps in the wrong direction,
16 set of eyes staring,
15 sleepless nights,
14 days of misbehave,
13 steps in the right direction,
12 one-night stands,
11 years of rain,
10 cows in a corner,
9 stars in heaven,
8 grandchildren,
7 pillows in the couch,
6 steps in the right direction,
5 broken glasses,
4 children,
3 cats,
2 chairs in front of the TV,
1 true love.

tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Shiny boy

Shiny boy, fleshing his teeth
Shiny boy, calling his girlfriend
Shiny boy, using his designer clothes
Shiny boy, having fancy houses

Geeky girl, wanting to shine like him
His girlfriend, needing his love
Girl he is in love with, feeling the same
Gay guy, wanting his life

Shiny boy, wanting his parents love
Shiny boy, meeting everyone's expectations
Shiny boy, forgetting about himself
Shiny boy, unhappy

Hi there, shiny people.

So.. I've got four other blogs. I just made this one for bad poems and nice novells. I like writing them, but I'm not too sure I'd like people to actually read them. I think I need to be better and I think practise is the only way to improve. Therefore, I'll start here.